CMDBuild Forum

Problem on a fresh install of cmdbuild 3.3.3 (user shark ?)


I installed a new cmdbuild 3.3.3 instance, but when I have to configure the database on the webpage, I have the following error

Generic error


org.cmdbuild.dao.DaoException: Error while configuring the database, caused by: org.cmdbuild.dao.DaoException: java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to find working psql version for this postgres server, caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: unable to find working psql version for this postgres server, caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: command psql return error code = 2 : psql.bin: FATAL: authentification, ident failed for user « shark »

I tried to create the user, same problem…

I even tried to create the user with the sql file 01_shark_user.sql, same problem

Any idea ? I am not even using shark

I posted a step by step guide, look in this post:

That issue if I recall correctly, is because you need to create the shark user on postgres.