Hi All,
I have deleted by mistake the Default view in the Administration Module… Instead of clicking Edit, i clicked on delete…
Now my problem is that when I am trying to access the Administration Mode (using admin account of course), I have a blank page…
The Data Management module works well and I can still use as a traditional user but can’t do any configuration.
Is there a way to restore the view?
Thank you,
What do you mean by “default view”?
What do you mean by “default view”?> Blockquote
in the administration mode, on the left panel under “Menu” there is a “default view” so we can configure which menu/classe/information we want to see from the Data Management view.
We tried locally to delete the default menu in a local instance of CMDBuild and we are not encountering the problem, what version of CMDBuild are you using?
Version 3.1
You can see on the background, I am in the administration mode and it is all blank.
Not sure if it is because I have deleted the “default view” but this is the last step I did before I saved.
Since that time I have the blank page.
Is there a way to restore ?
I’ll soon verify on version 3.1 because i tested on version 3.2 and the issue doesn’t happen there. In the meanwhile you can restore the Menu by connecting to the database and updating the “_Menu” table by setting the status to A
to the record corresponding to the default menu.
Can you help me by giving me the command structure to update the Menu table ? I only know standard SQL but this in linux.
I am now connected to the database under root
(sorry i am not a dev/scripter but just have basic knowledge)
I reinstalled from scratch so it has been fixed but I was able to reproduce the issue.
Can you try to duplicate or create a new view from the “Menu” option on the left panel?
It will loading forever and if you refresh the administration module will be blank again
Hi, the cloning issue has already been fixed in version 3.2