I am trying to implement SSO in CMDBuild by using CAS. I have installed CMDBuild and CAS in my local centos 6.5 machine. But i am unable to do SSO successfully.
Environmental Details are stated below
Centos 6.5
CAS 4.2.0
CMDBuild 2.4.1
My Cas configuration inside auth.conf is
## CAS
But while i try to access cmdbuild from browser after changing the configuration. Some parameters are appending to the URL like below which causes cmdbuild not to start.
Also in CMDBuild log i found the same error,
INFO 2016-09-21 08:35:44 [cmdbuild] trying to login with no username or password
INFO 2016-09-21 08:35:44 [cmdbuild] Redirecting to https://localhost:8443/cas/login?service=http%3A%2F%2F192.168.50.161%3A8080%2Fcmdbuild%2Findex.jsp%3Fskipsso
As per the documentation,
"The CAS authenticator sends the request to the CAS server (${cas.server.url} + $ {cas.login.page}) specifying the CMDBuild access url (in the ${cas.service.param} paramter)"
I have configured CMDBuild access url in cas.service.param