Hi Support,
I am trying to extend Configuration item CLASS, Model field from STRING:100 to STRING:128. When I do that from GUI (Administration Module) it seems that the change is applied (at least on a database level it shows correctly) however on the web/front-end/ux the number still shows STRING:100. I did restart the whole system and it still shows the old value (STRING:100) on the web/front-end/ux (Administration Module). I also chcek the field limit on Database directly and it shows correctly the new (STRING:128) value.
The discrepancy, seems to me a glitch between the database and front-end/UX limits. Could you tell me how to fix this ? If there is any GUI limit or how to fix this? Or where I can adjust the limit (if somewhere in a Tomcat page etc.)?
Thank you very much in advance,
k.r. Petr