CMDBuild Forum

CMDB GUI not honoring relation cardinality

Hi all,

Running CMDB Build 2.5.0

I've setup a domain with cardinality N:1

When relating cards from the source class to a card in the destination class through the GUI I get greyed out cards that already been used by other source class cards (as if the relation was defined with relation 1-1).

Through API I'm able to relate them both sucessfuly.

Any thoughts on this problem?



Alexandre Juma

I have a similar issue in 2.4.3. When I'm on the 1 side (in a 1:N relationship), I can only relate the card to destination class cards that have no relations (all other cards are greyed out), even if the 1 side has no relations.
A workaround is to relate the card to a destination card with no relations and edit the relation afterwards. Then all cards are available. Another is to go to the N side and relate the card there to the 1 side.
Any idea if this is a bug or I did something wrong?
Previously Alexandre wrote:

Hi all,

Running CMDB Build 2.5.0

I've setup a domain with cardinality N:1

When relating cards from the source class to a card in the destination class through the GUI I get greyed out cards that already been used by other source class cards (as if the relation was defined with relation 1-1).

Through API I'm able to relate them both sucessfuly.

Any thoughts on this problem?



Alexandre Juma


I forward your question to our developers.

considers that new 2.x versions will not be released, so for the fix it will be necessary to wait for version 3.0.
CMDBuild Team