CMDBuild Forum

CMDBuild 3.0 Alpha > how to create a blank database


In the ZIP file, there is the dump "cmdbuild3.0.0-alpha.dump" to restore with pg_restore.
I think it is to have a full-blown Ready2Use installation.

How can i start with a blank installation (to create my objects from scratch) ?
Do i just have to cmdbuild-3.0.0-alphaall the SQL scripts located in \WEB-INF\sql\base_schema\ in an orderly fashion ?

Thx. Emmanuel.

yes, to create a blank database you can use the base_schema scripts. You can also use the interactive installer, like this:
> java -jar cmdbuild.war install
when asked for which database dump to load, input 'empty' to start with a blank database.
CMDBuild Team