CMDBuild Forum

CmdBuild 3.0 odd form issues including tabbing and blanking fields

There are many occasions within a form edit where attempting to tab between fields requires you to press tab twice. It's as if its tabbing to a hidden element within the page.

I have also seen several occurrences of filling in a Reference field by starting to type, filtering the resulting popup, then either double clicking your selection or ticking and confirming with the button, then upon return to the form, the field is blank.

You can repeat that several times before getting it to stick. Sometimes tabbing off the field returns the content.


Previously Chris wrote:

There are many occasions within a form edit where attempting to tab between fields requires you to press tab twice. It's as if its tabbing to a hidden element within the page.

I have also seen several occurrences of filling in a Reference field by starting to type, filtering the resulting popup, then either double clicking your selection or ticking and confirming with the button, then upon return to the form, the field is blank.

You can repeat that several times before getting it to stick. Sometimes tabbing off the field returns the content.


Thanks for your report, we will investigate the issue.
CMDBuild Team