I use cmdbuild 3.2.1 and want to connect to geoserver. I added new layer of geoserver and select type (geotiff), associated class and file. The problem is, I can not select Associated geo-attribute and Associated card, then Save Button still disabled. How to solve this problem
I found the error when this service execute : localhost:8080/cmdbuild/services/rest/v3/classes/desa/cards/13320/geolayers/206780?_dc=1590183477986 respond: {“success”:false,“messages”:[{“level”:“ERROR”,“show_user”:false,“message”:“java.lang.NullPointerException: geoserver layer not found for class = desa attr = 206780 card = 13320”}]}
I check in the _GisGeoserverlayer table :
geoserver layer for class = desa, attr = 206780 and card = 13320 is there.