Hello. I am currently working on a project to set up a blank CMDB instance (no cards) so that I can customize it and add cards later. I am running Tomcat 9.0.33, PostgreSQL 9.6 and CMDB 3.1.1. Upon running the provided empty dump file, three tables are created and when I try and access the instance that is running from Tomcat, I get navigated to a patching screen. When I click apply patches, I get an error in regards to the Roles table, which doesn’t appear to be created by the empty dump. Any help with this matter would be much appreciated!
which version of cmdbuild webapp are you using? did you notice any error when importing the dump file?
it should have created way more than three tables (around 30-40, depending on the exact cmdbuild release). If you see only three there probably was a problem with dump import.
CMDBuild Team