CMDBuild Forum

Delete all card in a class


How do I need to delete all card in a class?

I had to press one by one to delete.


There is no botton as Delete all cards. Reason may be relation of classes to each other.

One way is to import a Blank template into the Class ( with condition of setting Missing Records to Delete option when making the templete ). But this also won’t work if anyone of the cards is linked to other classes or involved into ChangeRequest.

The alternative way is to manage postgresql via pgadmin 4 manager.

Go to cmdbuild database, select class, truncate it.

I use Cascade truncate to delete the history table table too

Deleting a table manually in the database the system will be in an inconsistent state, even if you delete the history.
For example all the relationships involving that class will be “orphan”, if that class was in the menu the reference will be wrong, the definition of the permissions will have non-existent references, etc.

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