CMDBuild Forum

Edit the deault card print report

Hi there,

is there a way to edit the default card print report, called by clicking the printer icon in card header?

Thanks in advance.

Same cuestion. How can I change de Logo in the Card Print Report?

I finally found the way to modify the Class Print Report. Be careful because if you modify them, all Cad Print of all classes are modified.

You must find the file openmaint\cmdbuild_30\webapps\cmdbuild\WEB-INF\lib\cmdbuild\cmdbuild-report-core-3.4.1-d.jar and unzip it in a new folder named as the jar file. The jar file is a renamed zip file.

Next, go to the cmdbuild-report-core-3.4.1-d folder
and you will find the jasper report for the default card printout CMDBuild_card_detail.jrxml

Then modify the file, zip the contents of the cmdbuild-report-core-3.4.1-d folder and rename it to the jar extension, copy it to the folder on the server and enjoy.

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