CMDBuild Forum

Error configuring geoservice and adding geoservice layers


I am having trouble configuring geoservice in openMaint. and adding service layers and the situation is as follows:

  • I have geoservice 2.10.1 configured on jetty & port 8090, and it works just fine (I couldn’t get it to run
    as a tomcat webapp along with openmaint, so I installed it as a windows app got it wo work on jetty &
    port 8090).
  • I have openmaint configured on tomcat & port 8080, and it seems to be working fine
  • I am using the demo dump for a database.

The problem is when I enable geoservice and fill the needed info I get the following error:

‘error checking gis schema: org.cmdbuild.gis.GisException: error processing gis schema: invalid gis schema content, caused by:
org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException: Incorrect result size: expected 1, actual 0’

despite of the error, geoservice seems to be enabled and i can navigate to Geoservice layer.
Now, when I try to add a new layer(shapefile that is already uploaded to geoserver and put in a fresh workspace. I also deleted all the pre-installed workspaces just in case) and after filling the info & clicking on save, the following error pop up:

‘Method Not Allowed (405) - Request method ‘PUT’ not supported’

I see the same error on geoserver logs as well so I am no sure if it’s an openmaint problem or a geoserver problem.
