CMDBuild Forum

Error while executing a database import job

Hi community,

I try to get my database import job working. But get this error: error executing job = JobData{id=582974610, code=TestMetHrmData, type=etl, isEnabled=false}, caused by: org.cmdbuild.etl.EtlException: error processing etl job = JobData{id=582974610, code=TestMetHrmData, type=etl, isEnabled=false}, caused by: org.cmdbuild.etl.EtlException: error processing etl gate = EtlGate{code=INLINE_JOB_TestMetHrmData}, caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: config not found for key =< target >

I try to set the “Import key attibutes” value in the Database template" configuration. It does show the right attributes from the card to choose from but when I save and reopen the configuration the value is gone and it looks It does not want to saved…

Help should be very welcome,
