CMDBuild Forum

GeoServer and Asset Layers order

Hey all!
When i open Map with assets GoeServer layers overlap assets’ icons, how can i change layers order?

You can change the order of the layers from the Administration Module, GIS menu.

Yes, but it change orders of layers only from GeoServer. My problem is that one GeoServer layer overlap icon of asset on map.
In other words, there is no menu to change orders of both GeoServer layers and assets icons.

Thanks for the explanation, now I understand what you mean.
We actually noticed that a configuration to jointly set the order of GeoServer layers and geographical attributes is missing.
We will introduce a configuration tool in the Administration Module in one of the next releases.
However, in the meantime, you can set the joint order of the levels by setting the Index column directly on the database.
In the following you can find the SQL query that moves all the geographical attributes above the GeoServer layers by changing the above mentioned Index.

UPDATE “_GisAttribute” SET “Index” = “Index” + (SELECT max(“Index”) + 1 FROM “_GisLayer” WHERE “Status” = ‘A’) WHERE “Status” = ‘A’;

Thank you for reporting the problem.

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Thank you for answer!
There is one another bug with layers: when i drag&drop layers in admin module GIS>‘Geoserver layers’, they sometimes randomly shuffle!