Hi, I want to install CMDBuild 3.1.1 and I have create a virtual machine using Oracle VM VirtualBox that has CentOS 7.7.1908 (Core) as OS. It seems from the manual and some other links I have found that before I download anything from https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmdbuild/files/3.1.1/ that i need to first install Java, PostgreSQL and Tomcat. I have a few questions about the installation process as not fully clear from the CMDBuild manual (i am looking at section 3.4 of technical manual)
- When installing Tomcat should i install the admin/web manager as well? It seems this can be used to manage the war file downloaded from above for CMDBuild install.
2.Based on setup what do I download from sourceforge,net to install CMDBuild? It seems the cmdbuild-3.1.1.sh is for a graphical install which given my setup won’t work. So do I download the cmdbuild-3.1.1.zip or cmdbuild-3.1.1.war files?
Once I have download one of the above what is best way to install?
Can i install from CentOS command line or should I run the Tomcat manager and if done correctly select the CMDBuild war file to deploy and begin installation/setup?
Can I access the tomcat server (http://localhost:8080) from my host machine that the guest centos VM is running on? For example, my CentOS VM has an IP and I can access GitLab from my actual laptop by using the IP address and have a bridged adapter? I will probably change port that Tomcat is using by default to a different port than 8080. I believe this can be done by updating server.xml and ensuring that port is opened on VM. Do I need to do anything else to be able to see Tomcat welcome page from my host machine.
Thanks in advance for any help.