CMDBuild Forum

History of CI`s in CMDBuild

Dear community members,

We have been using CMDBuild for quite a while now. As the realization project progresses, our stakeholders start getting more involved and come up with some additional requirements, one of which is a need of having the ability to track historical changes to all of the assets.

We tried doing our homework, but could use the help of the community as there might for example be options or best practices we aren’t aware of.

Hence, we have the following questions:

  • Is it possible to see the history of archived CI’s from the UI (instead of from the internal database)?
  • If so, is there any standard functionality by which we can achieve this and can someone maybe point us in the direction of how this would work? Or do we need to develop our own, non-standard customizations for this (and if so, how)?
  • If a CI would (accidentally) get removed and is then being recreated having the same unique properties, will CMDBuild still regard this as a new CI, assigning it a new unique internal ID in the database? If so, from the history tab we’d expect our users not being able to see the CI’s data from the former periods within which it was active. If this would be the case, are there any best practices we could follow in order to prevent this from happening or otherwise any best practices for dealing with this behaviour?

Kind regards,


There is a “history” tab in each asset card, that displays what fields were changed and by who. As for you other part of your questions, you need to learn how to query the DB and pull the info you want. Your needs look too specific and important, why not pay for support and consult with the experts? just my two cents.