how can I move data configuration from one server CMDBuild to another without data (only configuration)
if you have two CMDBuild instances, used for test and production, and you want to apply to the production instance the structural changes (creating classes, attributes, domains) carried out on the test instance, the best way is to run the SQL commands automatically saved in the log file “cmdbuild_dd_sql.log”.
Of course it is recommended that you first perform a full backup of the database.
CMDBuild Team
if you have two CMDBuild instances, used for test and production, and you want to apply to the production instance the structural changes (creating classes, attributes, domains) carried out on the test instance, the best way is to run the SQL commands automatically saved in the log file "cmdbuild_dd_sql.log".
Of course it is recommended that you first perform a full backup of the database.
CMDBuild Team
it would surely be a useful tool.
However, it is not expected in the short - medium term because we have many other activities already scheduled in the coming months.
CMDBuild Team
Where is “cmdbuild_dd_sql.log”
Thank you for this way. I'll try it.will you thinking about tool in system to export-import configuration?Previously Tecnoteca wrote:if you have two CMDBuild instances, used for test and production, and you want to apply to the production instance the structural changes (creating classes, attributes, domains) carried out on the test instance, the best way is to run the SQL commands automatically saved in the log file "cmdbuild_dd_sql.log".
Of course it is recommended that you first perform a full backup of the database.
CMDBuild Team
In the Tomcat logs folder.
CMDBuild Team
Nope. Just host access logs and catalina.out.xx.gz files.
In the Tomcat logs folder.
CMDBuild Team
You can check what’s written in the WEB-INF/conf/log4j.conf file.
CMDBuild Team
You can check what's written in the WEB-INF/conf/log4j.conf file.
CMDBuild Team
This topic is quite old.
Can you please tell me where in year 2021 I can find cmdbuild_dd_sql.log
, and if I need to put log4j.conf
in tomcat logs folder (please confirm is it still true), what contents log4j.conf
should have in order to produce cmdbuild_dd_sql.log
At the moment I don’t have cmdbuild_dd_sql.log
in cmdbuild directory tree.
Can someone provide an answer for cmdbuild v3.3?
this situation is exaclty what we want to do copy dev changes to prod server…so bump same question as glu.
what settings needed for log4j.con because only see cmdbuild_ddl.log cmdbuild_sql.log but they are 0 bytes.
or what is the best way to copy changes from one server to another?
Bumping this as I’ve asked this same question before among crickets
Essentially what i have done to copy production to dev instances…
stop tomcat service
Backup the production dB using pgadmin.
select Backup advanced tab check: pre-data, data, and post-data. Leave rest default
/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_dump --file "/var/lib/pgadmin4/storage/" --host "/var/run/postgresql" --port "5432" --username "postgres" --blobs --compress "6" --selection=pre-data --selection=data --selection=post-data --verbose --role "postgres" --encoding "UTF8" "cmdb"
delete the dev dB (pgadmin → right click delete/drop)
DROP DATABASE cmdb_copy;
create the dev db same settings. SQL:
CREATE DATABASE cmdb_copy WITH OWNER = cmdbuild ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'en_US.UTF-8' LC_CTYPE = 'en_US.UTF-8' TABLESPACE = pg_default CONNECTION LIMIT = -1; ALTER DATABASE cmdb_copy SET search_path TO "$user", public, gis;
restore backup to fresh devDB (pgadmin advanced select same as backup pre-data data, and post-data)
start tomcat
edit config on dev instance removing any hostname specific settings (e.g. saml config items in my case) or change dB connection user passwords.
restart tomcat
@mngit-Sean what version of CMDBuild is this for? Does this work the other way (from dev to prod)? Be mindful that this is an old thread for old versions. Better post this to a newer thread for more visibility.
This was used on Ready-2-use 2.1 CMDBuild 3.3.2
I imagine it would work on others. All the info is stored in the postgres database