CMDBuild Forum

Import lookups

I have a class that will have around 10,000 cards in it once data from all my sources has been collated and imported. I need to have an attribute on that class that must be standardised and will have around 200-250 possible options.  Those options will require managing as new ones are required. It's important that these options are only selectable and not just a string field as it will be used for reporting purposes.

I'm looking at the best way to do this and figured the lookup list was probably the best way.  Is there a way to import a lookup or must I manually enter each option?

Unfortunately there is not a function to import a lookup list in CMDBuild.
One possible solution is to create an empty Lookup Type from the Administration Module, and then load the lookup values via SQL (table “Lookup”) filling the cards in a similar way to those already present.
However, it is a potentially critical operation recommended for advanced users.
CMDBuild Team


this is my first post and i am new in cmdbuild.
can you give us an example how to import lookup list via sql?
or this option is already implement in newer version ?