CMDBuild Forum

Import MySQL Database error

Hi CMDBuild Team,

I am from China and I am using CMDBuild READY2USE READY2USE 2.2-3.4. I found that the community version no longer supports OCS connector, so I need to use Import Database Temple and task management to import asset data.
However, when I import assets, an error message is reported as follows error executing job = JobData{id=1908321, code=test, type=etl, isEnabled=true}, caused by: org.cmdbuild.etl.EtlException: error processing etl job = JobData{id=1908321, code=test, type=etl, isEnabled=true}, caused by: org.cmdbuild.etl.EtlException: error processing etl gate = EtlGate{code=INLINE_JOB_test}, caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: config not found for key =< target >


The following is my related import configuration, can you give me any suggestions? thank you
Database template:

Task management


This import problem has been bothering me for a long time. If you can give me any suggestions, that would be great



Hi Team,

Can anyone help me check this issue? thanks

Hi @temence sometime I got this error either when into the import file not all requierd field are defined and when I do not include into mapping all required/uniques fields.

Thank you for your reply, but the database I tested only contains two columns of data, code and HOSTNAME, and my import template also contains code and HOSTNAME. You can see my screenshot above. This is very strange.

HI temence,
I receive the same error trying to schedule an import from a Database Table (MS Sql Server).
Importing from the gui I have no problems. It seems scheduler related

Hi temence,

Have you found a solution?

Hi Roello,

I haven’t found a solution yet, what do you mean by GUI import? Didn’t you import the database?

Did you find the answer?

Yes, I would also like to see a clearer example of how to do a database import in CMDBuild.