CMDBuild Forum

Install CMDBuild(ver.3.0) for the first time

The following messages are output without error when starting Tomcat:

2019-04-22 05: 24: 08.955 [sys: boot] INFO o.cmdbuild.minions.SystemServiceImpl-patch manager is not ready, waiting for user input

If you access the browser in this state, a list of patches will be displayed.

When the Apply button is pressed, the following log is output.
It is recognition that setup of the Role table is necessary. What kind of procedure should I refer to?
I couldn't find CMDbuild 3.0 TEchnical Manual

2019-04-22 05:45: 12.382 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.382 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.d.config.inner.PatchServiceImpl-apply patches on db = jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / cmdbuild
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.594 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.d.config.inner.PatchManagerImpl-applying patch core-1.0.3-01 (Change Role class type from reserved to sysread)
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.628 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader-Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org / springframework / jdbc / support / sql-err
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.693 [req: 7780c1] INFO loaded: [DB2, Derby, H2, HSQL, Informix, MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase
, Hana]
-Change Role class type from reserved to sysread

COMMENT ON TABLE "Role" IS 'MODE: sysread | TYPE: class | DESCR: Roles | SUPERCLASS: false | MANAGER: class | STATUS: active';

DO $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'applied cmdbuild patch%', 'core-1.0.3-01'; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;

]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "Role" does not exist



Hi, I posted artcile about deploying CMDBULD 3 step by step
Previously Mamo wrote:

The following messages are output without error when starting Tomcat:

2019-04-22 05: 24: 08.955 [sys: boot] INFO o.cmdbuild.minions.SystemServiceImpl-patch manager is not ready, waiting for user input

If you access the browser in this state, a list of patches will be displayed.

When the Apply button is pressed, the following log is output.
It is recognition that setup of the Role table is necessary. What kind of procedure should I refer to?
I couldn't find CMDbuild 3.0 TEchnical Manual

2019-04-22 05:45: 12.382 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.382 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.d.config.inner.PatchServiceImpl-apply patches on db = jdbc: postgresql: // localhost: 5432 / cmdbuild
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.594 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.c.d.config.inner.PatchManagerImpl-applying patch core-1.0.3-01 (Change Role class type from reserved to sysread)
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.628 [req: 7780c1] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader-Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [org / springframework / jdbc / support / sql-err
2019-04-22 05: 45: 12.693 [req: 7780c1] INFO loaded: [DB2, Derby, H2, HSQL, Informix, MS-SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase
, Hana]
-Change Role class type from reserved to sysread

COMMENT ON TABLE "Role" IS 'MODE: sysread | TYPE: class | DESCR: Roles | SUPERCLASS: false | MANAGER: class | STATUS: active';

DO $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'applied cmdbuild patch%', 'core-1.0.3-01'; END $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;

]; nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: relation "Role" does not exist




if you are not using an existing db you have to run the file and create the database tables first.  I was having this issue too.

Following this link and it starts on page 14 i believe