does anyone have a step by step guide to install CMDBuild Ready2Use on Windows 10?
i also wanted to step by step installation on window 10 i was tried but getting so many error
I just did this recently.
- install postgres 15.8
- install openJDK 17.0.2
-set JAVA_HOME environment variable.
-add Java Bin to PATH variable. - install Tomcat 9.0.82
- install GeoServer 2.24.1 WAR application (if you want GIS to work)
-deploy the war file in the tomcat installation folder under webapp
-install printing plugin (GeoServer Printing Module — GeoServer 2.24.x User Manual) (Index of /geoserver/2.24.x/ext-latest/)
*review config.yaml exists in CMDBUILD as it needs to be added to /geoserver/data/printing folder - create CMDBUILD user and database in PostGres
important! log into DB as CMDBUILD user
-create CMDBuild DB - deploy CMDBUILD/Ready2Use WAR application
-configure database.conf file in [Tomcat]\Conf[Cmdbuild/Ready2Use] use template from webapps[Cmdbuild/Ready2Use]\WEB-INF\conf
install 7-zip to unpack SQL dumps
-unzip xz files
-restore .Dump into CMDBUILD db
-create schema gis;
-create extension postgis schema gis;
-SET SEARCH_PATH TO gis, public, shark; - restart CMDBuild app in Tomcat app manager (or reboot the tomcat service)
Hello, you can use that guide: