CMDBuild Forum

Installing Alfresco DMS


I just installed Alfresco 3.4.0 Community Edition. Is it supported? Was not able to find Version 2.1 which is in the comments of dms.conf. Alfresco is up and running (in the same tomcat instance as CMDbuild I could create a space, etc. But now I don't know how exactly to configure CMDBuild's dms.conf.
I am getting an error when starting up CMDBuild:
org.alfresco.webservice.util.WebServiceException: Error starting session.
at org.alfresco.webservice.util.AuthenticationUtils.startSession(
... 45 more
Caused by: Connection refused
So I guess I have an issue with the Webservice URL (I am able to curl the URL, so should be fine). Could you please advise how to proceed?
Thanks and regards,
I have following config:
## alfresco web service
## credentials for accessing web service
## CMDBuild category lookup category used in Alfresco
## alfresco file server - currently only the FTP type is supported
## AlfrescoFTP is the classname for the ftp handler)
## wspath is the path for the base space, fspath is the same thing, in terms of directories
repository.fspath=/Alfresco/User Homes/cmdbuild

Hi Hannes,

both the webapps are configured in the same tomcat instance that is running on port 8080?
If the answer is "yes": 
- if you write http://localhost:8080/ do you reach alfresco the alfresco webapp? If you do: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api is correct.
 Otherwise: which is the name of the alfresco webapp? Which the port?
- the credentials are admin/admin as specified in the dms.conf?
Best regards,
the CMDBuild team

Hi Tecnoteca,

I want to install alfresco manually but I dont find .exe file for Alfresco I only find zip file
i want to know how to configure with that Alfresco war file with openMAINT and what are the steps to be followed for this
Thank you