CMDBuild Forum

N:N Relation


I've a question about modeling relations n:n on Cmdbuild !! when i create a new domain with n:n cardinality it makes the change automaticaly ( with a new table N:1 1:N ) or i must do this ??

to be clear !! when i create an n:n domain in cmdbuild how can i use it in the form




if you create a N:N domain in the Administration Module CMDBuild will create a "Map_[domainname]" table in the database.

To manage the N:N relationships you have to go in the "Relations" TAB of the CMDBuild Management Module and add / modify / remove the relation.

The CMDBuild team


How can I manage N:N relationships from the relations tab? I can’t add or modify relations without an attribute, at least I have not found a way yet. Since it’s not possible to add an attribute from a N:N domain I don’t know how to manage this type of relationship.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

it is possible to add attributes in N:N domains trough the Administrator module in domains management page. Those attributes will be visible in add and edit relations windows. For add relation popup the attributes are shown in the half bottom of window, for edit relation popup the attributes are shown as editable grid columns.