I'm using the Gis module. I have created a "Geografical attributes" and this corresponds to a "address" column of a table. I have enabled in "layer" tab the previous Geografical attributes.
In the "Data Managment module" I can see the maps (I have enabled Google Maps service). After I have added a new "card asset". In my card I have an "address" attribute. Now, Is possible to show on the map, in automatic way, the real address with the corrispondent icon or I have to add the icons on the map by hand?
Naturally, I have inserted an icon in the "manage icons" tab.
Thanks in advanced,
Hi Rossella,
I'm sorry but currently the GIS module has to be used by hand, thus automatic geolocation from a card attribute is not supported.
If you access the map when a card is in editing mode, you can see a toolbar on the top-left corner. There there are the buttons to manage the editing of the geographical attributes configured for the card in editing.
Thanks for using CMDBuild
Thanks a lot!
I have an other question.
I have enabled Geoserver service and I have added some layers (of type GeoTiff) in the Gis section "Geoserver's layers" . In the management module i have a base layer (Google maps) and overlays, even if the layer that I have added before is chacked I can't see it!I have setted its visibility to "true"! How can I see the ovelays?
Can you please help me to know how you enabled Google Maps service? I am working on version 3.2 of Openmaint currently which is latest as of date. I want to use Google Map’s satellite view as base layer because it helps in accurate pin pointed marking of a building on map.