I've done an installation of the new Cmdbuild 3.0 on a CentOs 7 server. After I've created the admin user on empty DB and I made classes, attributes and domains without any type of errors, but when I try to insert a new tab and I click the button add a new card nothing appears and it does not return any error even in the logs, what could be the problem?
Query that I used to create admin user:
INSERT INTO "Role" ("Status","Code","User","IdClass","Type","Description") VALUES ('A','SuperUser','system','"Role"','admin','SuperUser');
INSERT INTO "User" ("Status", "User","Username", "IdClass", "Password", "Description") VALUES ('A', 'system','admin','"User"', 'DQdKW32Mlms=', 'Administrator');
INSERT INTO "Map_UserRole" ("Status","User","IdClass2","IdClass1","IdObj2","IdObj1","IdDomain") VALUES ('A','system','"Role"'::regclass,'"User"'::regclass, currval('class_seq')-2, currval('class_seq'), '"Map_UserRole"'::regclass);