CMDBuild Forum

Reference - Drop downs showing Description Field


I noticed that if I create Reference Fields as attributes and I later create a card, the description is shown in the drop down. This leads to some strange effects, as descrition sometimes is empty (then there are blank lines in the drop down) or, they are really long (as a description field is usually taken to describe something in short sentences). Is it possible to take the code field for drop downs, or to rename the fields to avoid confusion?


Thanks and regards

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This is currently not possible.
But you can make
the "Description" attribute not visible and not editable, and set it with a database trigger.
CMDBuild Team

I noticed that if you add a new class, the trigger tt_<new_class>dataset and related function tt<new_class>_dataset used to set the “description” field is not created and then the new field cannot be used as a Reference attribute the drop down list is empty. Can this be automated?

thank you