CMDBuild Forum

Rest Api _ sub class not readable

I can’t access via api rest some CMDBuild classes
I’ve this structure in my CMDBuild classes:


|-> NetworkEquipment

Where AssetHw is a custom superclass.
I can read Computer class using this url https:///cmdbuild/services/rest/v3/classes/Computer/cards, while https:///cmdbuild/services/rest/v3/classes/Computer/cards

answer with a 503 error.

if I query url

I can find both classes with same attributes

Thanks in advance for your help

I realized that the problem was different.
The error was not related to whether a class was a subclass or not.
The error only appeared when I was trying to read a class with many cards.
In the cmdbuild logs I found this error message:

org.apache.catalina.connector.ClientAbortException: Broken pipe