CMDBuild Forum

Schedule from auto generated dates?

Hi there,
for different classes I have created date-attributes “LastCheckDate” & “NextCheckDate” and an integer-attribute “Schedule”, that contains number of days between checks.
The “NextCheckDate” is properly calculated from “LastCheckDate” + “Schedule” by AutoValue function within the class.

I’ve also created a Schedule and mapped to the “NextCheckDate” to get be notified of upcoming events.
This schedule works fine in case, the “NextCheckDate” is typed in manually or by selection from the calendar-popup.

In case, the “NextCheckDate” is calculated via AutoValue, nothing happens.

In a first try I realized the same by a trigger in Postgres. Same result, no entries in Schedule.

So my question is: how to create notifications for auto generated “NextCheckDates”?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards