CMDBuild Forum

Step by step integration with alfresco or other CMIS

Hi guys. I need more advance information about integration between CMDBuild 3.4 and Alfresco or other CMIS system. So I have few questions:

  1. Wich Alfresco version to I am to use with cmdb 3.4 ? (there is lack of documentation here in oficial docs.)
  2. Can I use other simpler CMIS system? Wich one? There is some wlaktrougth?
  3. I was able to install Alfresco 7.x or 23.x with Docker compose but I cant find documentation step by step? Only 2 xml in manual but I am not sure for wich version of alfreso to use
    Please Tecnoteca update manuals! There is no much info about this proces. It is shame to I was force to play on “suggest and try” because lack of documentation and try to find info about proces here in forums.

Hi @alek, you can use an alfresco docker if you’re not familiar with manual installations. The latest version of alfresco community edition can be used.

You can search “Alfresco Docs - Install using Docker Compose” on google

Of course, you will need to install docker compose before (containerd, docker-ce, dockerce-cli, docker compose)

You can check the commands you require to choose where to store your data outside of the container so you can keep control of your data even if you delete the container.

Finally, you will still have to add the xml files to finish the configuration.

I let you check about all that

It is the easiest way to use alfresco community edition, as it’s manual installation may be more difficult than CMDBuild itself!

Hope that helps.