CMDBuild Forum

Unable to enable task service scheduler

Hello, I have some problems trying to schedule the esecution of some import tasks.

Talking about CMDBUILD Version: 3.4.1

It seems that the service is disabled.


But form the page server management → system → Services


there is no way to start the services.

Tried to add jobs.conf in conf/cmdbuild/ and put “enabled=true” in it but after restart it was moved and no changes was applied to the configuration.

There is a known solution to this problem?


The corrected behavior will be restored in the upcoming 3.4.3 release expected later this year.

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Thanks for the fast replay.

meanwhile is there a work around to solve the issue?, maybe a record to be added to “_SystemConfig” table?


If you are still looking @SergioScalise, I had success starting the ‘Scheduler_Jobs’ service by directly editing the ‘_SystemConfig’ table.

    • Check if there is already an entry in the _SystemConfig table for the configuration parameter.
  • Execute a query like this to look for the parameter:
SELECT * FROM "_SystemConfig" WHERE "Code" = '';
  1. Update or Insert Configuration:
  • If the parameter exists and is set to false, update it:
UPDATE "_SystemConfig" SET "Value" = 'true' WHERE "Code" = '';
  • If the parameter does not exist, insert a new record:
INSERT INTO "_SystemConfig" ("Code", "Value") VALUES ('', 'true');
  • Commit the transaction if necessary (depending on your SQL client configuration).
  1. Restart CMDBuild:
  • After making the change to the database, restart CMDBuild to apply the new settings.
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