I got the new openMAINT 2.0 and some of the workflows (processes) we had in openMAINT 1 have disappeared. Could you please release them, and add them to the default dump file?
I tried to export the XPDL from openMAINT 1 and import it into openMAINT 2.0, but still I would need to manually create attributes and domains from openMAINT 1. In particular, I would be interested in Maintenance Request.
The openMAINT 1.1 workflows are not compatible with openMAINT 2.0.
However, openMAINT 2.0 already includes both a workflow for corrective maintenance and a workflow for preventive maintenance.
When restoring the file demo.dump of openmaint-2.0-3.1a-resources.zip using bash webapps/cmdbuild/cmdbuild.sh dbconfig recreate /home/cmdbuild/demo.dump, I can finally see the MaintRequest and PreventiveWO.
FYI, before restoring demo.dump, I used openmaint-2.0-3.1a.sh and there is only the Request for change workflow in the default demo database packed in that shell installer.