CMDBuild Forum

Import task scheduled with Cron doesn't get launched


I have an import template that works just fine and gets launched without any problem when clicking on “single execution”.

However, when clicking on “Start” and thus activating the task, the import does not run as expected. I tried with cron templates like “30 21 * * ?” and “30 21 * * ?”. Neither of those get executed.

How can I fix this ?


Hi, it is a known issue that will be fixed in the upcoming release of CMDBuild (3.1.1) there is another post on the forum where you can find a workaround for the cron expression: Advanced CRON configuration for import/export tasks not taken into account

This post was created by me. My problem is not with setting up the cron expression (I am going directly through the database as suggested) : it is persisting in the UI as intended, but it doesn’t get executed at all.

Sorry, didn’t realize it was you that opened the other post! Anyway make sure that the CMDBuild configuration for the scheduled jobs is active ( and check the cmdbuild.log file for eventual errors when you start the scheduled job!

Ok, in cmdbuild.log, on startup scheduled jobs were disables, I have no idea why it was that way in the first place.

After a little trial and error, I created a jobs.conf in conf/cmdbuild/ and put “enabled=true” in it. On startup scheduled jobs are now seen as ready, and a new key has been added to the database in the _SystemConfig table.

My job now runs normally ! :slight_smile:

Thank you

I’m having the same issue as you. I tried to add jobs.config to the tomcat/config/cmdbuild folder. but when i restart tomcat. the jobs.config file gets renamed and moved to a backup folder and the is still disabled. How were you able to get the tomcat to except the new config file?

Thank you