CMDBuild Forum

Translation of attribute groups

Dear team, 

Is it planned to add translation possibility for names of attribute groups (i.e. tab names in the detail form of card / process step)? 

Thanks and regards,


This is already possible.

CMDBuild Team

Dear team, 
thanks for reply.
Wow, it is only in the Localization tool, not in the attribute detail form. I have not found it yet.
One more question: 
Shall I translate the same name of the group at all attribute items where it is used? What if I would make a mistake and the translations will differ? 
I have one suggestion to improve. If is it possible, please make the class localization tree by this way:
- Attributes
- - Attr1
- - - Description 
- - Attr22
- - - Description
- Groups
- - Group1
- - - Description 
- - Group2
- - - Description 
The best way should be the to make Groups as new tab of class detail and in the Attributes tab not to be able to add new group. It exactly corresponds to the logical class metadata model:
Class : Attribute = 1 : N
Class : Group = 1 : 0..N
Group : Attribute = 0..1 : 1..N
I know it is a little more complicated because the Group does not directly correspond to DB model object. It can be created only virtually by distinct selecting of group names used for all attributes of the class. But, it has to be done anyway to be able to show the group lookup in the attribute form. 
Best regards, 
Previously Tecnoteca wrote:

This is already possible.

CMDBuild Team